A photo of filled bags stacked as pyramids supported by a wooden scaffold has been shared multiple times online, claiming it is the rice pyramid unveiled in Abuja in January 2022.
The image surfaced online a few days ahead of the Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN) and other stakeholders to showcase a pyramid made up of stacked bags of rice paddy reminiscent of the groundnut pyramid found in Northern Nigeria in the past.
The pyramid was reported to have been built with 1 million bags of rice paddy planted and harvested from states across the country under the Anchor Borrowers’ Programme (ABP).
The report generated reactions with many insinuations of foul play, as can be seen in these archived posts here and here.
The image shows a rice pyramid unveiled in Abuja in January 2022.

Findings by The FactCheckHub show that the claim is false.
A reverse image search conducted by The FactCheckHub shows that the image has been online as far back as 2018.
The image trended in 2018 Â during the launch of a local rice brand in Ogun state tagged “Mission to Rebuild Ogun State” (MITROS).
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The claim that the image shows recent a rice pyramid unveiled in Abuja in 2022 is FALSE.
The image has been online since 2018.
Nurudeen Akewushola is a fact-checker with FactCheckHub. He has authored several fact checks which have contributed to the fight against information disorder. You can reach him via [email protected] and @NurudeenAkewus1 via Twitter.