AI makes disinformation look reliable, requires global governance – Swiss President


THE president of Switzerland, Viola Amherd, has expressed fears about the growing dangers of disinformation following the growth of artificial intelligence (AI).

She disclosed this on January 16, 2024 while giving her opening address at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos.

Amherd warned against creating policies based on falsehoods and stressed the necessity for global governance to solve the issues raised by artificial intelligence.

The Swiss President, whilst admitting the potential for more transparency and knowledge-sharing, said that digitization nevertheless has a negative aspect: “AI can give the appearance of credibility to misinformation and disinformation.”

She emphasized the need to restore confidence and the need for measures based on confirmed facts and scientific results.

Amherd advocated for clear and transparent communication within the multilateral system as well as between nations. In order to properly function as platforms for discourse, she called for the strengthening of the United Nations (UN) and other international and regional organizations.

“Agreements and compromises must then also be implemented, tangible implementation is important for credibility and to engender trust. This includes a renewed respect for the UN Charter, other international treaties and other globally agreed measures, some sections of the public distrust all of us gathered here, and all political and business leaders in general,” she stated.

Recognizing that rising socio-economic inequality fuels populism even in wealthy nations, the Swiss president also emphasized the importance of corporate leaders to fostering trust among the populace.

“Rebuilding trust is not just a task for states and politicians. Business leaders also have a role to play here,” Amherd said.

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Seasoned fact-checker and researcher Fatimah Quadri has written numerous fact-checks, explainers, and media literacy pieces for The FactCheckHub in an effort to combat information disorder. She can be reached at sunmibola_q on X or [email protected].


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